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A function to help build random walks by mutating a data frame.


rand_walk_helper(.data, .value)



The data frame to mutate.


The .initial_value to use. This is passed from the random walk function being called by the end user.


A modified data frame/tibble with the following columns added:

  • cum_sum: Cumulative sum of y.

  • cum_prod: Cumulative product of y.

  • cum_min: Cumulative minimum of y.

  • cum_max: Cumulative maximum of y.

  • cum_mean: Cumulative mean of y.


A function to help build random walks by mutating a data frame. This mutation adds the following columns to the data frame: cum_sum, cum_prod, cum_min, cum_max, and cum_mean. The function is used internally by certain functions that generate random walks.


Steven P. Sanderson II, MPH


df <- data.frame(
  walk_number = factor(rep(1L:25L, each = 30L)),
  x = rep(1L:30L, 25L),
  y = rnorm(750L, 0L, 1L)

rand_walk_helper(df, 100)
#> # A tibble: 750 × 8
#>    walk_number     x       y cum_sum cum_prod cum_min cum_max cum_mean
#>    <fct>       <int>   <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>
#>  1 1               1  0.406     100.     141.   100.     100.     100.
#>  2 1               2  0.947     101.     274.   100.     101.     101.
#>  3 1               3  2.06      103.     838.   100.     102.     101.
#>  4 1               4  1.35      105.    1972.   100.     102.     101.
#>  5 1               5  0.812     106.    3573.   100.     102.     101.
#>  6 1               6  0.0815    106.    3865.   100.     102.     101.
#>  7 1               7 -1.13      105.    -501.    98.9    102.     101.
#>  8 1               8 -0.504     104.    -248.    98.9    102.     101.
#>  9 1               9  2.64      107.    -904.    98.9    103.     101.
#> 10 1              10  0.595     107.   -1442.    98.9    103.     101.
#> # ℹ 740 more rows