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This function is used to augment a data frame or tibble with time series growth rates of selected columns. You can provide a data frame or tibble as the first argument, the column(s) for which you want to calculate the growth rates using the .value parameter, and optionally specify custom names for the new columns using the .names parameter.


ts_growth_rate_augment(.data, .value, .names = "auto")



A data frame or tibble containing the data to be augmented.


A quosure specifying the column(s) for which you want to calculate growth rates.


Optional. A character vector specifying the names of the new columns to be created. Use "auto" for automatic naming.


A tibble that includes the original data and additional columns representing the growth rates of the selected columns. The column names are either automatically generated or as specified in the .names parameter.

See also

Other Augment Function: ts_acceleration_augment(), ts_velocity_augment()


Steven P. Sanderson II, MPH


data <- data.frame(
  Year = 1:5,
  Income = c(100, 120, 150, 180, 200),
  Expenses = c(50, 60, 75, 90, 100)
ts_growth_rate_augment(data, .value = c(Income, Expenses))
#> # A tibble: 5 × 5
#>    Year Income Expenses growth_rate_Income growth_rate_Expenses
#>   <int>  <dbl>    <dbl>              <dbl>                <dbl>
#> 1     1    100       50               NA                   NA  
#> 2     2    120       60               20                   20  
#> 3     3    150       75               25                   25  
#> 4     4    180       90               20                   20  
#> 5     5    200      100               11.1                 11.1