How to Print All Rows of a Tibble in R: A Beginner’s Guide


Steven P. Sanderson II, MPH


September 17, 2024


Programming, print all rows tibble R, display full tibble R, R tibble print options, tibble vs data frame, RStudio tibble display, dplyr tibble print, R print data frame, tibble printing techniques, R programming tibble, tibble output customization


In the world of R programming, tibbles are enhanced data frames that provide a more user-friendly way to handle data. Unlike traditional data frames, tibbles come with a set of features that make data manipulation and viewing easier. However, one common question arises among beginners: How can I print all rows of a tibble? This guide will walk you through the process step-by-step, ensuring you fully understand how to make the most of tibbles in your R projects.

Understanding Tibbles

Differences Between Tibbles and Data Frames

Tibbles are part of the tibble package, which is a modern re-imagining of data frames. While they share many similarities with data frames, tibbles offer:

  • Enhanced Printing: Tibbles print only the top 10 rows and all columns that fit on the screen, reducing clutter.
  • Preservation of Data Types: Unlike data frames, tibbles do not change variable types (e.g., character to factor) without explicit instructions.
  • Efficient Subsetting: Tibbles provide better handling for large datasets and more intuitive subsetting.

Advantages of Using Tibbles

  • Improved readability and structure
  • More efficient data manipulation
  • Better integration with the tidyverse suite of packages

Default Printing Behavior

How Tibbles Display in R

By default, tibbles display in a truncated form to prevent overwhelming outputs. They show only a subset of rows and columns, which is useful for quick inspections but can be limiting when you need to view all your data.

Limitations of Default Printing

The default print behavior of tibbles is designed to protect the user from printing large datasets that could flood the console. However, if you need to examine every row, you’ll need to adjust the settings.

Methods to Print All Rows

Using the print() Function

The print() function allows you to specify the number of rows you want to display. Here’s how you can use it:

# Load necessary library

# Create a sample tibble
sample_tibble <- tibble(
  x = 1:100,
  y = rnorm(100)

# Print all rows
print(sample_tibble, n = nrow(sample_tibble))
# A tibble: 100 × 2
        x         y
    <int>     <dbl>
  1     1  0.123   
  2     2  0.621   
  3     3  0.822   
  4     4 -0.924   
  5     5 -0.0290  
  6     6  0.223   
  7     7 -0.191   
  8     8  0.247   
  9     9 -1.22    
 10    10  0.858   
 11    11  0.423   
 12    12  0.677   
 13    13 -0.438   
 14    14  0.569   
 15    15  0.0987  
 16    16 -0.402   
 17    17 -0.543   
 18    18  0.0704  
 19    19  1.03    
 20    20 -1.08    
 21    21  0.0642  
 22    22  0.175   
 23    23 -0.491   
 24    24 -0.131   
 25    25 -0.000812
 26    26  0.134   
 27    27 -0.549   
 28    28  1.64    
 29    29 -0.489   
 30    30 -0.599   
 31    31 -0.272   
 32    32 -0.204   
 33    33  0.402   
 34    34 -0.175   
 35    35  1.17    
 36    36  0.597   
 37    37 -0.0381  
 38    38  0.840   
 39    39  0.873   
 40    40  0.971   
 41    41 -1.71    
 42    42  2.09    
 43    43 -0.251   
 44    44  0.766   
 45    45 -1.90    
 46    46 -1.79    
 47    47  0.0511  
 48    48  0.390   
 49    49 -0.602   
 50    50  0.984   
 51    51  0.422   
 52    52  0.400   
 53    53  1.09    
 54    54  1.06    
 55    55  1.03    
 56    56  1.36    
 57    57  1.04    
 58    58 -1.17    
 59    59 -0.612   
 60    60 -0.440   
 61    61 -1.95    
 62    62  0.885   
 63    63 -1.32    
 64    64  1.38    
 65    65  1.71    
 66    66  0.430   
 67    67  1.56    
 68    68  0.276   
 69    69 -0.336   
 70    70  1.87    
 71    71  0.992   
 72    72 -2.08    
 73    73  0.431   
 74    74 -1.54    
 75    75 -0.760   
 76    76 -0.0230  
 77    77  0.206   
 78    78 -0.0589  
 79    79  0.279   
 80    80 -1.21    
 81    81  0.382   
 82    82 -1.61    
 83    83 -1.46    
 84    84 -0.107   
 85    85 -0.728   
 86    86  0.918   
 87    87  0.220   
 88    88 -0.705   
 89    89  1.16    
 90    90 -1.43    
 91    91 -1.04    
 92    92  0.118   
 93    93  0.743   
 94    94 -0.870   
 95    95 -0.330   
 96    96  0.669   
 97    97  0.979   
 98    98 -0.671   
 99    99  0.284   
100   100  1.41    

Adjusting Print Options with options()

Another method involves setting global options to control tibble’s print behavior:

# Set option to print all rows
options(tibble.print_max = Inf)

# Print the tibble
# A tibble: 100 × 2
        x         y
    <int>     <dbl>
  1     1  0.123   
  2     2  0.621   
  3     3  0.822   
  4     4 -0.924   
  5     5 -0.0290  
  6     6  0.223   
  7     7 -0.191   
  8     8  0.247   
  9     9 -1.22    
 10    10  0.858   
 11    11  0.423   
 12    12  0.677   
 13    13 -0.438   
 14    14  0.569   
 15    15  0.0987  
 16    16 -0.402   
 17    17 -0.543   
 18    18  0.0704  
 19    19  1.03    
 20    20 -1.08    
 21    21  0.0642  
 22    22  0.175   
 23    23 -0.491   
 24    24 -0.131   
 25    25 -0.000812
 26    26  0.134   
 27    27 -0.549   
 28    28  1.64    
 29    29 -0.489   
 30    30 -0.599   
 31    31 -0.272   
 32    32 -0.204   
 33    33  0.402   
 34    34 -0.175   
 35    35  1.17    
 36    36  0.597   
 37    37 -0.0381  
 38    38  0.840   
 39    39  0.873   
 40    40  0.971   
 41    41 -1.71    
 42    42  2.09    
 43    43 -0.251   
 44    44  0.766   
 45    45 -1.90    
 46    46 -1.79    
 47    47  0.0511  
 48    48  0.390   
 49    49 -0.602   
 50    50  0.984   
 51    51  0.422   
 52    52  0.400   
 53    53  1.09    
 54    54  1.06    
 55    55  1.03    
 56    56  1.36    
 57    57  1.04    
 58    58 -1.17    
 59    59 -0.612   
 60    60 -0.440   
 61    61 -1.95    
 62    62  0.885   
 63    63 -1.32    
 64    64  1.38    
 65    65  1.71    
 66    66  0.430   
 67    67  1.56    
 68    68  0.276   
 69    69 -0.336   
 70    70  1.87    
 71    71  0.992   
 72    72 -2.08    
 73    73  0.431   
 74    74 -1.54    
 75    75 -0.760   
 76    76 -0.0230  
 77    77  0.206   
 78    78 -0.0589  
 79    79  0.279   
 80    80 -1.21    
 81    81  0.382   
 82    82 -1.61    
 83    83 -1.46    
 84    84 -0.107   
 85    85 -0.728   
 86    86  0.918   
 87    87  0.220   
 88    88 -0.705   
 89    89  1.16    
 90    90 -1.43    
 91    91 -1.04    
 92    92  0.118   
 93    93  0.743   
 94    94 -0.870   
 95    95 -0.330   
 96    96  0.669   
 97    97  0.979   
 98    98 -0.671   
 99    99  0.284   
100   100  1.41    

Utilizing dplyr Functions

The dplyr package, part of the tidyverse, integrates seamlessly with tibbles:


# Use glimpse to view all rows
Rows: 100
Columns: 2
$ x <int> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 2…
$ y <dbl> 0.1234273696, 0.6208860095, 0.8222488858, -0.9235015100, -0.02902192…

Practical Examples

Example 1: Basic Tibble Printing

Here’s how you can print a tibble with default settings:

options(tibble.print_max = 10)
# Print with default settings
# A tibble: 100 × 2
       x       y
   <int>   <dbl>
 1     1  0.123 
 2     2  0.621 
 3     3  0.822 
 4     4 -0.924 
 5     5 -0.0290
 6     6  0.223 
 7     7 -0.191 
 8     8  0.247 
 9     9 -1.22  
10    10  0.858 
# ℹ 90 more rows

Example 2: Printing with Custom Options

Adjust options to view all rows:

# Customize print options
options(tibble.width = Inf)

# Print the tibble
# A tibble: 100 × 2
       x       y
   <int>   <dbl>
 1     1  0.123 
 2     2  0.621 
 3     3  0.822 
 4     4 -0.924 
 5     5 -0.0290
 6     6  0.223 
 7     7 -0.191 
 8     8  0.247 
 9     9 -1.22  
10    10  0.858 
# ℹ 90 more rows

Common Issues and Solutions

Troubleshooting Print Errors

If you encounter errors while printing, ensure that the tibble is correctly formatted and the necessary libraries are loaded.

Handling Large Tibbles

For large datasets, consider exporting the tibble to a CSV file for a comprehensive view:

write.csv(sample_tibble, "sample_tibble.csv")

Advanced Techniques

Customizing Output with glimpse()

glimpse() provides a transposed view of your tibble, displaying all rows and is particularly useful for wide datasets.

Exporting Tibbles for Full View

To analyze data outside R, export the tibble:

write.csv(sample_tibble, "full_view_tibble.csv")


Printing all rows of a tibble in R is a straightforward process once you understand the various methods available. Whether using the print() function, adjusting global options, or leveraging dplyr, you can easily navigate and display your data. Don’t hesitate to experiment with these techniques to enhance your data analysis skills.


  1. How do I print a specific number of rows?
    • Use print(your_tibble, n = desired_number_of_rows) to specify the number of rows.
  2. Can I print tibbles in a loop?
    • Yes, you can iterate over tibbles using loops, applying the print() function within each iteration.
  3. What are the best practices for printing large datasets?
    • Consider exporting to a file or using glimpse() for a quick overview.
  4. How does tibble printing differ in RStudio?
    • RStudio may truncate tibbles similarly to console output, but options can be adjusted for full views.
  5. Are there any packages that enhance tibble printing?
    • The pander package can format tibbles for better presentation in reports.

Your Turn!

We’d love to hear your thoughts! Share your experiences with tibbles in R or let us know if you have any questions. If you found this guide helpful, please share it on social media to help others in the R programming community.


  1. Wickham, H., & François, R. (2016). tibble: Simple Data Frames. R package version 3.1.5.
  2. Grolemund, G., & Wickham, H. (2017). R for Data Science. O’Reilly Media.
  3. The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). R Project.

Happy Coding! 😄

Printing a Tibble