How to Append Rows to a Data Frame in R: A Comprehensive Guide with Examples

Learn multiple methods to append rows to data frames in R, including rbind(), add_row(), and more. Complete with practical examples and best practices.

Steven P. Sanderson II, MPH


January 21, 2025


Programming, Append rows R, R data frame, rbind function R, add_row function R, R data manipulation, Combine data frames R, R dataframe append, R add multiple rows, Append vector to dataframe R, R data frame operations, How to append rows to a data frame in R, Best practices for appending rows in R data frames, Using rbind and add_row to append rows in R, Efficiently appending multiple rows to a dataframe in R, Common errors when appending rows to data frames in R


Data manipulation is a crucial skill in R programming, and one of the most common tasks is adding new rows to existing data frames. Whether you’re collecting real-time data, combining multiple datasets, or building a data frame iteratively, knowing how to append rows efficiently is useful. This comprehensive guide will explore various methods to append rows to data frames in R, complete with practical examples and best practices.

Understanding Data Frames in R

Before looking into row appending techniques, let’s refresh our understanding of data frames. In R, a data frame is a two-dimensional table-like structure where:

  • Each column can contain different types of data (numeric, character, factor, etc.)
  • All columns must have the same length
  • Each column has a unique name
# Creating a simple data frame
df <- data.frame(
  name = c("John", "Alice", "Bob"),
  age = c(25, 30, 28),
  city = c("New York", "London", "Paris")

Method 1: Using rbind() Function

The rbind() function is the most traditional and widely used method for appending rows to a data frame.

Basic Syntax

# Basic rbind syntax
new_df <- rbind(existing_df, new_rows)

Single Row Addition

# Adding a single row
new_row <- data.frame(
  name = "Emma",
  age = 27,
  city = "Tokyo"
df <- rbind(df, new_row)

Multiple Rows Addition

# Adding multiple rows
multiple_rows <- data.frame(
  name = c("David", "Sarah"),
  age = c(32, 29),
  city = c("Berlin", "Madrid")
df <- rbind(df, multiple_rows)
   name age     city
1  John  25 New York
2 Alice  30   London
3   Bob  28    Paris
4  Emma  27    Tokyo
5 David  32   Berlin
6 Sarah  29   Madrid

Method 2: Using add_row() Function

The add_row() function from the tibble package offers a more modern and flexible approach.

Installation and Setup

# Load tibble package

# Convert data frame to tibble
df <- as_tibble(df)

Basic Usage

# Adding a row with add_row()
df <- df %>%
  add_row(name = "Michael", age = 31, city = "Sydney")
# A tibble: 7 × 3
  name      age city    
  <chr>   <dbl> <chr>   
1 John       25 New York
2 Alice      30 London  
3 Bob        28 Paris   
4 Emma       27 Tokyo   
5 David      32 Berlin  
6 Sarah      29 Madrid  
7 Michael    31 Sydney  

Method 3: Using Vectors with rbind()

You can also append rows using vectors:

# Creating a vector and appending it
new_row_vector <- c("Lisa", 26, "Chicago")
df <- rbind(df, new_row_vector)
# A tibble: 8 × 3
  name    age   city    
  <chr>   <chr> <chr>   
1 John    25    New York
2 Alice   30    London  
3 Bob     28    Paris   
4 Emma    27    Tokyo   
5 David   32    Berlin  
6 Sarah   29    Madrid  
7 Michael 31    Sydney  
8 Lisa    26    Chicago 

Working with Lists and Data Frames

Sometimes you’ll need to append rows from a list:

# Converting list to data frame and appending
list_data <- list(name = "Alex", age = 33, city = "Toronto")
df <- rbind(df,
# A tibble: 9 × 3
  name    age   city    
  <chr>   <chr> <chr>   
1 John    25    New York
2 Alice   30    London  
3 Bob     28    Paris   
4 Emma    27    Tokyo   
5 David   32    Berlin  
6 Sarah   29    Madrid  
7 Michael 31    Sydney  
8 Lisa    26    Chicago 
9 Alex    33    Toronto 

Appending Rows in a Loop

When working with iterations, you might need to append rows in a loop:

# Example of appending in a loop
for(i in 1:3) {
  new_row <- data.frame(
    name = paste0("Person_", i),
    age = 20 + i,
    city = "Unknown"
  df <- rbind(df, new_row)

# A tibble: 12 × 3
   name     age   city    
   <chr>    <chr> <chr>   
 1 John     25    New York
 2 Alice    30    London  
 3 Bob      28    Paris   
 4 Emma     27    Tokyo   
 5 David    32    Berlin  
 6 Sarah    29    Madrid  
 7 Michael  31    Sydney  
 8 Lisa     26    Chicago 
 9 Alex     33    Toronto 
10 Person_1 21    Unknown 
11 Person_2 22    Unknown 
12 Person_3 23    Unknown 

Best Practices and Performance Considerations

  1. Pre-allocate space when possible
  2. Use data.table for large datasets
  3. Avoid row-by-row binding in loops
  4. Consider using dplyr::bind_rows() for multiple data frames
# Better performance with data.table
dt <-
dt <- rbindlist(list(dt, new_row))
        name    age     city
      <char> <char>   <char>
 1:     John     25 New York
 2:    Alice     30   London
 3:      Bob     28    Paris
 4:     Emma     27    Tokyo
 5:    David     32   Berlin
 6:    Sarah     29   Madrid
 7:  Michael     31   Sydney
 8:     Lisa     26  Chicago
 9:     Alex     33  Toronto
10: Person_1     21  Unknown
11: Person_2     22  Unknown
12: Person_3     23  Unknown
13: Person_3     23  Unknown

Your Turn!

Try this exercise to test your understanding:

Problem: Create a data frame with three columns (product, price, quantity) and three rows. Then append two new rows with the following data: - Row 1: (“Laptop”, 999.99, 1) - Row 2: (“Mouse”, 29.99, 5)

# Your code here
Click here for Solution!


# Initial data frame
df <- data.frame(
  product = c("Monitor", "Keyboard", "Headphones"),
  price = c(299.99, 89.99, 59.99),
  quantity = c(2, 3, 4)

# Appending new rows
new_rows <- data.frame(
  product = c("Laptop", "Mouse"),
  price = c(999.99, 29.99),
  quantity = c(1, 5)

final_df <- rbind(df, new_rows)
     product  price quantity
1    Monitor 299.99        2
2   Keyboard  89.99        3
3 Headphones  59.99        4
4     Laptop 999.99        1
5      Mouse  29.99        5

Quick Takeaways

  • rbind() is the traditional method for appending rows
  • add_row() provides a modern, tidyverse-compatible solution
  • Pre-allocate space for better performance
  • Consider using data.table for large datasets
  • Always ensure matching column names and data types


  1. Q: Why does rbind() sometimes give an error about column names? A: This usually occurs when the column names or order don’t match between the existing data frame and new rows.

  2. Q: How can I append rows with missing values? A: Use NA for missing values while maintaining the correct column structure.

  3. Q: What’s the fastest method to append many rows? A: For large datasets, data.table’s rbindlist() is typically the most efficient.

  4. Q: Can I append rows with different column orders? A: Yes, but you should explicitly match columns using column names.

  5. Q: How do I append rows from a CSV file? A: First read the CSV using read.csv(), then use rbind() or bind_rows().


Mastering row appending in R is crucial for effective data manipulation. Whether you choose rbind(), add_row(), or other methods depends on your specific needs and data size. Remember to consider performance implications when working with large datasets and always ensure data consistency.


  1. R Documentation: rbind function
  2. Tidyverse Documentation: add_row function
  3. R-bloggers: Data Frame Operations

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Happy Coding! 🚀

Append those rows!

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