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Creates a list/tibble of parsnip model specifications.


  .parsnip_eng = list("lm"),
  .mode = list("regression"),
  .parsnip_fns = list("linear_reg"),
  .return_tibble = TRUE



The input must be a list. The default for this is set to all. This means that all of the parsnip linear regression engines will be used, for example lm, or glm.


The input must be a list. The default is 'regression'


The input must be a list. The default for this is set to all. This means that all of the parsnip linear regression functions will be used, for example linear_reg(), or cubist_rules.


The default is TRUE. FALSE will return a list object.


A list or a tibble.


Creates a list/tibble of parsnip model specifications. With this function you can generate a list/tibble output of any model specification and engine you choose that is supported by the parsnip ecosystem.

See also

Other Model_Generator: fast_classification(), fast_regression()


Steven P. Sanderson II, MPH


 .parsnip_eng = list("lm","glm","glmnet","cubist"),
 .parsnip_fns = list(
#> # A tibble: 4 × 4
#>   .parsnip_engine .parsnip_mode .parsnip_fns .model_spec
#>   <chr>           <chr>         <chr>        <list>     
#> 1 lm              regression    linear_reg   <spec[+]>  
#> 2 glm             regression    linear_reg   <spec[+]>  
#> 3 glmnet          regression    linear_reg   <spec[+]>  
#> 4 cubist          regression    cubist_rules <spec[+]>  

 .parsnip_eng = list("lm","glm","glmnet","cubist"),
 .parsnip_fns = list(
 .return_tibble = FALSE
#> $.parsnip_engine
#> $.parsnip_engine[[1]]
#> [1] "lm"
#> $.parsnip_engine[[2]]
#> [1] "glm"
#> $.parsnip_engine[[3]]
#> [1] "glmnet"
#> $.parsnip_engine[[4]]
#> [1] "cubist"
#> $.parsnip_mode
#> $.parsnip_mode[[1]]
#> [1] "regression"
#> $.parsnip_fns
#> $.parsnip_fns[[1]]
#> [1] "linear_reg"
#> $.parsnip_fns[[2]]
#> [1] "linear_reg"
#> $.parsnip_fns[[3]]
#> [1] "linear_reg"
#> $.parsnip_fns[[4]]
#> [1] "cubist_rules"
#> $.model_spec
#> $.model_spec[[1]]
#> Linear Regression Model Specification (regression)
#> Computational engine: lm 
#> $.model_spec[[2]]
#> Linear Regression Model Specification (regression)
#> Computational engine: glm 
#> $.model_spec[[3]]
#> Linear Regression Model Specification (regression)
#> Computational engine: glmnet 
#> $.model_spec[[4]]
#> ! parsnip could not locate an implementation for `cubist_rules` regression
#>   model specifications using the `cubist` engine.
#> Cubist Model Specification (regression)
#> Computational engine: cubist 