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A function to calculate the Euclidean distance between two vectors.


euclidean_distance(.data, .x, .y, .pull_vector = FALSE)



A data frame


A numeric vector


A numeric vector


A boolean of TRUE or FALSE. Default is FALSE which will augment the distance to the data frame. TRUE will return a vector of the distances as the return.


A numeric Vector of ditances


A function to calculate the Euclidean distance between two vectors. It uses the formula sqrt((x - lag(x))^2 + (y - lag(y))^2). The function uses augments the data frame with a new column called distance.

See also

Other Vector Function: cgmean(), chmean(), ckurtosis(), cmean(), cmedian(), crange(), csd(), cskewness(), cvar(), kurtosis_vec(), rw_range(), skewness_vec()


Steven P. Sanderson II, MPH


df <- rw30()
euclidean_distance(df, x, y)
#> # A tibble: 3,000 × 4
#>    walk_number     x      y distance
#>    <fct>       <int>  <dbl>    <dbl>
#>  1 1               1  0        NA   
#>  2 1               2 -0.560     1.15
#>  3 1               3 -0.791     1.03
#>  4 1               4  0.768     1.85
#>  5 1               5  0.839     1.00
#>  6 1               6  0.968     1.01
#>  7 1               7  2.68      1.99
#>  8 1               8  3.14      1.10
#>  9 1               9  1.88      1.61
#> 10 1              10  1.19      1.21
#> # ℹ 2,990 more rows
euclidean_distance(df, x, y, TRUE) |> head(10)
#>  [1]       NA 1.146356 1.026149 1.851910 1.002483 1.008323 1.985308 1.101110
#>  [9] 1.612569 1.213164