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Takes a numeric vector or date and will return a vector of one of the following:

  • "sin"

  • "cos"

  • "sincos" This will do value = sin(x) * cos(x) When either of these values falls below zero, then zero else one


  .scale_type = c("sin", "cos", "sincos")



A numeric vector


The number of observations that complete a cycle


The fourier term order


A character of one of the following: "sin","cos","sincos"


A numeric vector of 1's and 0's


Takes a numeric vector or date and will return a vector of one of the following:

  • "sin"

  • "cos"

  • "sincos"

The internal caluclation is straightforward:

  • sin = sin(2 * pi * h * x), where h = .order/.period

  • cos = cos(2 * pi * h * x), where h = .order/.period

  • sincos = sin(2 * pi * h * x) * cos(2 * pi * h * x) where h = .order/.period

This function can be used on its own. It is also the basis for the function hai_fourier_discrete_augment().


Steven P. Sanderson II, MPH



len_out <- 24
by_unit <- "month"
start_date <- as.Date("2021-01-01")

data_tbl <- tibble(
  date_col = seq.Date(from = start_date, length.out = len_out, by = by_unit),
  a = rnorm(len_out),
  b = runif(len_out)

vec_1 <- hai_fourier_discrete_vec(data_tbl$a, .period = 12, .order = 1, .scale_type = "sin")
vec_2 <- hai_fourier_discrete_vec(data_tbl$a, .period = 12, .order = 1, .scale_type = "cos")
vec_3 <- hai_fourier_discrete_vec(data_tbl$a, .period = 12, .order = 1, .scale_type = "sincos")

lines(vec_1, col = "blue")
lines(vec_2, col = "red")
lines(vec_3, col = "green")