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This is an auto plotting function that will take in a tidy_ distribution function and a few arguments, one being the plot type, which is a quoted string of one of the following:

  • density

  • quantile

  • probablity

  • qq

  • mcmc

If the number of simulations exceeds 9 then the legend will not print. The plot subtitle is put together by the attributes of the table passed to the function.


  .plot_type = "density",
  .line_size = 0.5,
  .geom_point = FALSE,
  .point_size = 1,
  .geom_rug = FALSE,
  .geom_smooth = FALSE,
  .geom_jitter = FALSE,
  .interactive = FALSE



The data passed in from a the function tidy_multi_dist()


This is a quoted string like 'density'


The size param ggplot


A Boolean value of TREU/FALSE, FALSE is the default. TRUE will return a plot with ggplot2::ggeom_point()


The point size param for ggplot


A Boolean value of TRUE/FALSE, FALSE is the default. TRUE will return the use of ggplot2::geom_rug()


A Boolean value of TRUE/FALSE, FALSE is the default. TRUE will return the use of ggplot2::geom_smooth() The aes parameter of group is set to FALSE. This ensures a single smoothing band returned with SE also set to FALSE. Color is set to 'black' and linetype is 'dashed'.


A Boolean value of TRUE/FALSE, FALSE is the default. TRUE will return the use of ggplot2::geom_jitter()


A Boolean value of TRUE/FALSE, FALSE is the default. TRUE will return an interactive plotly plot.


A ggplot or a plotly plot.


This function will spit out one of the following plots:

  • density

  • quantile

  • probability

  • qq

  • mcmc


Steven P. Sanderson II, MPH


combined_tbl <- tidy_combine_distributions(

#> # A tibble: 150 × 8
#>    sim_number     x       y    dx       dy      p       q dist_type       
#>    <fct>      <int>   <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <fct>           
#>  1 1              1 -1.36   -3.52 0.000368 0.0864 -1.36   Gaussian c(0, 1)
#>  2 1              2 -1.20   -3.37 0.00102  0.116  -1.20   Gaussian c(0, 1)
#>  3 1              3  0.804  -3.22 0.00254  0.789   0.804  Gaussian c(0, 1)
#>  4 1              4  0.969  -3.06 0.00565  0.834   0.969  Gaussian c(0, 1)
#>  5 1              5 -1.09   -2.91 0.0113   0.138  -1.09   Gaussian c(0, 1)
#>  6 1              6 -1.38   -2.76 0.0203   0.0835 -1.38   Gaussian c(0, 1)
#>  7 1              7 -0.672  -2.61 0.0331   0.251  -0.672  Gaussian c(0, 1)
#>  8 1              8  0.371  -2.46 0.0498   0.645   0.371  Gaussian c(0, 1)
#>  9 1              9  1.44   -2.30 0.0699   0.925   1.44   Gaussian c(0, 1)
#> 10 1             10 -0.0394 -2.15 0.0931   0.484  -0.0394 Gaussian c(0, 1)
#> # ℹ 140 more rows

combined_tbl |>

combined_tbl |>
  tidy_combined_autoplot(.plot_type = "qq")