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TidyDensity (development version)

TidyDensity 1.5.0

CRAN release: 2024-05-28

Breaking Changes


New Features

  1. Fix #468 - Add function util_negative_binomial_aic() to calculate the AIC for the negative binomial distribution.
  2. Fix #470 - Add function util_zero_truncated_negative_binomial_param_estimate() to estimate the parameters of the zero-truncated negative binomial distribution. Add function util_zero_truncated_negative_binomial_aic() to calculate the AIC for the zero-truncated negative binomial distribution. Add function util_zero_truncated_negative_binomial_stats_tbl() to create a summary table of the zero-truncated negative binomial distribution.
  3. Fix #471 - Add function util_zero_truncated_poisson_param_estimate() to estimate the parameters of the zero-truncated Poisson distribution. Add function util_zero_truncated_poisson_aic() to calculate the AIC for the zero-truncated Poisson distribution. Add function util_zero_truncated_poisson_stats_tbl() to create a summary table of the zero-truncated Poisson distribution.
  4. Fix #472 - Add function util_f_param_estimate() and util_f_aic() to estimate the parameters and calculate the AIC for the F distribution.
  5. Fix #482 - Add function util_zero_truncated_geometric_param_estimate() to estimate the parameters of the zero-truncated geometric distribution. Add function util_zero_truncated_geometric_aic() to calculate the AIC for the zero-truncated geometric distribution. Add function util_zero_truncated_geometric_stats_tbl() to create a summary table of the zero-truncated geometric distribution.
  6. Fix #481 - Add function util_triangular_aic() to calculate the AIC for the triangular distribution.
  7. Fix #480 - Add function util_t_param_estimate() to estimate the parameters of the T distribution. Add function util_t_aic() to calculate the AIC for the T distribution.
  8. Fix #479 - Add function util_pareto1_param_estimate() to estimate the parameters of the Pareto Type I distribution. Add function util_pareto1_aic() to calculate the AIC for the Pareto Type I distribution. Add function util_pareto1_stats_tbl() to create a summary table of the Pareto Type I distribution.
  9. Fix #478 - Add function util_paralogistic_param_estimate() to estimate the parameters of the paralogistic distribution. Add function util_paralogistic_aic() to calculate the AIC for the paralogistic distribution. Add fnction util_paralogistic_stats_tbl() to create a summary table of the paralogistic distribution.
  10. Fix #477 - Add function util_inverse_weibull_param_estimate() to estimate the parameters of the Inverse Weibull distribution. Add function util_inverse_weibull_aic() to calculate the AIC for the Inverse Weibull distribution. Add function util_inverse_weibull_stats_tbl() to create a summary table of the Inverse Weibull distribution.
  11. Fix #476 - Add function util_inverse_pareto_param_estimate() to estimate the parameters of the Inverse Pareto distribution. Add function util_inverse_pareto_aic() to calculate the AIC for the Inverse Pareto distribution. Add Function util_inverse_pareto_stats_tbl() to create a summary table of the Inverse Pareto distribution.
  12. Fix #475 - Add function util_inverse_burr_param_estimate() to estimate the parameters of the Inverse Gamma distribution. Add function util_inverse_burr_aic() to calculate the AIC for the Inverse Gamma distribution. Add function util_inverse_burr_stats_tbl() to create a summary table of the Inverse Gamma distribution.
  13. Fix #474 - Add function util_generalized_pareto_param_estimate() to estimate the parameters of the Generalized Pareto distribution. Add function util_generalized_pareto_aic() to calculate the AIC for the Generalized Pareto distribution. Add function util_generalized_pareto_stats_tbl() to create a summary table of the Generalized Pareto distribution.
  14. Fix #473 - Add function util_generalized_beta_param_estimate() to estimate the parameters of the Generalized Gamma distribution. Add function util_generalized_beta_aic() to calculate the AIC for the Generalized Gamma distribution. Add function util_generalized_beta_stats_tbl() to create a summary table of the Generalized Gamma distribution.
  15. Fix #469 - Add function util_zero_truncated_binomial_stats_tbl() to create a summary table of the Zero Truncated binomial distribution. Add function util_zero_truncated_binomial_param_estimate() to estimate the parameters of the Zero Truncated binomial distribution. Add function util_zero_truncated_binomial_aic() to calculate the AIC for the Zero Truncated binomial distribution.

Minor Improvements and Fixes

  1. Fix #468 - Update util_negative_binomial_param_estimate() to add the use of optim() for parameter estimation.
  2. Fix #465 - Add names to columns when .return_tibble = TRUE for quantile_normalize()

TidyDensity 1.4.0

CRAN release: 2024-04-26

Breaking Changes


New Features

  1. Fix #405 - Add function quantile_normalize() to normalize data using quantiles.
  2. Fix #409 - Add function check_duplicate_rows() to check for duplicate rows in a data frame.
  3. Fix #414 - Add function util_chisquare_param_estimate() to estimate the parameters of the chi-square distribution.
  4. Fix #417 - Add function tidy_mcmc_sampling() to sample from a distribution using MCMC. This outputs the function sampled data and a diagnostic plot.
  5. Fix #421 - Add functions util_dist_aic() functions to calculate the AIC for a distribution.

Minor Fixes and Improvements

  1. Fix #401 - Update tidy_multi_single_dist() to respect the .return_tibble parameter
  2. Fix #406 - Update tidy_multi_single_dist() to exclude the .return_tibble parameter from returning in the distribution parameters.
  3. Fix #413 - Update documentation to include mcmc where applicable.
  4. Fix #240 - Update tidy_distribution_comparison() to include the new AIC calculations from the dedicated util_dist_aic() functions.

TidyDensity 1.3.0

CRAN release: 2024-01-09

Breaking Changes

  1. Fix #350 - This has caused the function tidy_multi_single_dist() to be modified in that it now requires the user to pass the parameter of .return_tibbl with either TRUE or FALSE as it was introduced into the tidy_ distribution functions which now use data.table under the hood to generate data.
  2. Fix #371 - Modify code to use the native |> pipe instead of the %>% which has caused a need to update the minimum R version to 4.1.0

New Features

  1. Fix #360 - Add function tidy_triangular()
  2. Fix #361 - Add function util_triangular_param_estimate()
  3. Fix #362 - Add function util_triangular_stats_tbl()
  4. Fix #364 - Add function triangle_plot()
  5. Fix #363 - Add triangular to tidy_autoplot()

Minor Fixes and Improvements

  1. Fix #372 and #373 - Update cvar() and csd() to a vectorized approach from @kokbent which speeds these up by over 100x
  2. Fix #350 - Update all tidy_ distribution functions to generate data using data.table this in many instances has resulted in a speed up of 30% or more.
  3. Fix #379 - Replace the use of dplyr::cur_data() as it was deprecated in dplyr in favor of using dplyr::pick()
  4. Fix #381 - Add tidy_triangular() to all autoplot functions.
  5. Fix #385 - For tidy_multi_dist_autoplot() the .plot_type = "quantile" did not work.
  6. Fix #383 - Update all autoplot functions to use linewidth instead of size.
  7. Fix #375 - Update cskewness() to take advantage of vectorization with a speedup of 124x faster.
  8. Fix #393 - Update ckurtosis() with vectorization to improve speed by 121x per benchmark testing.

TidyDensity 1.2.6

CRAN release: 2023-10-30

Breaking Changes


New Features

  1. Fix #351 - Add function convert_to_ts() which will convert a tidy_ distribution into a time series in either ts format or tibble you can also have it set to wide or long by using .pivot_longer set to TRUE and .ret_ts set to FALSE
  2. Fix #348 - Add function util_burr_stats_tbl()

Minor Fixes and Improvements

  1. Fix #344 - Fix util_burr_param_estimate()

TidyDensity 1.2.5

CRAN release: 2023-05-19

Breaking Changes


New Features

  1. Fix #333 - Add function util_burr_param_estimate()

Minor Fixes and Improvements

  1. Fix #335 - Update function tidy_distribution_comparison() to add a parameter of .round_to_place which allows a user to round the parameter estimates passed to their corresponding distribution parameters.
  2. Fix #336 - Update logo name to logo.png

TidyDensity 1.2.4

CRAN release: 2022-11-16

Breaking Changes


New Features

  1. Fix #302 - Add function tidy_bernoulli()
  2. Fix #304 - Add function util_bernoulli_param_estimate()
  3. Fix #305 - Add function util_bernoulli_stats_tbl()

Minor Fixes and Improvements

  1. Fix #291 - Update tidy_stat_tbl() to fix tibble output so it no longer ignores passed arguments and fix data.table to directly pass … arguments.
  2. Fix #295 - Drop warning message of not passing arguments when .use_data_table = TRUE
  3. Fix #303 - Add tidy_bernoulli() to autoplot.
  4. Fix #299 - Update tidy_stat_tbl()
  5. Fix #309 - Add function for internal use to drop dependency of stringr. Function is dist_type_extractor() which is used for several functions in the library.
  6. Fix #310 - Update combine-multi-dist to use dist_type_extractor()
  7. Fix #311 - Update all util_dist_stats_tbl() functions to use dist_type_extractor()
  8. Fix #316 - Update all autoplot functions for tidy_bernoulli()
  9. Fix #312 - Update random walk function to use dist_type_extractor()
  10. Fix #314 - Update tidy_stat_tbl() to use dist_type_extractor()
  11. Fix #301 - Fix p and q calculations.

TidyDensity 1.2.3

CRAN release: 2022-10-04

Breaking Changes


New Features

  1. Fix #237 - Add function bootstrap_density_augment()
  2. Fix #238 - Add functions bootstrap_p_vec() and bootstrap_p_augment()
  3. Fix #239 - Add functions bootstrap_q_vec() and bootstrap_q_augment()
  4. Fix #256 #257 #258 #260 #265 #266 #267 #268 - Add functions cmean() chmean() cgmean() cmedian() csd() ckurtosis() cskewness() cvar()
  5. Fix #250 - Add function bootstrap_stat_plot()
  6. Fix #276 - Add function tidy_stat_tbl() Fix #281 adds the parameter of .user_data_table which is set to FALSE by default. If set to TRUE will use [data.table::melt()] for the underlying work speeding up the output from a benchmark test of regular tibble at 72 seconds to data.table. at 15 seconds.

Minor Fixes and Improvements

  1. Fix #242 - Fix prop check in tidy_bootstrap()
  2. Fix #247 - Add attributes to bootstrap_density_augment() output.

TidyDensity 1.2.2

CRAN release: 2022-08-10

Breaking Changes


New Features

  1. Fix #229 - Add tidy_normal() to list of tested distributions. Add AIC from a linear model for metric, and add stats::ks.test() as a metric.

Minor Fixes and Improvements

  1. Fix #228 - Add ks.test to distribution comparison.
  2. Fix #227 - Add AIC and normal to distribution comparison.

TidyDensity 1.2.1

CRAN release: 2022-07-19

Breaking Changes


New Features


Minor Fixes and Improvments

  1. Fix #210 - Fix param_grid order on internal which affected attributes and thus the display of the order of the parameters.
  2. Fix #211 - Add High and Low CI to tidy_distribution_summary_tbl()
  3. Fix #213 - Use purrr::compact() on the list of distributions passed in order to prevent the issue occurring in #212
  4. Fix #212 - Make tidy_distribution_comparison() more robust in terms of handling bad or erroneous data.
  5. Fix #216 - Add an attribute of “tibble_type” to tidy_multi_single_dist() which helps it to work with other functions like tidy_random_walk()

TidyDensity 1.2.0

CRAN release: 2022-06-08

Breaking Changes


New Features

  1. Fix #181 - Add functions color_blind() td_scale_fill_colorblind() and td_scale_color_colorblind()
  2. Fix #187 - Add functions ci_lo() and ci_hi()
  3. Fix #189 - Add function tidy_bootstrap()
  4. Fix #190 - Add function bootstrap_unnest_tbl()
  5. Fix #202 - Add function tidy_distribution_comparison()

Minor Fixes and Improvements

  1. Fix #176 - Update _autoplot functions to include cumulative mean MCMC chart by taking advantage of the .num_sims parameter of tidy_ distribution functions.
  2. Fix #184 - Update tidy_empirical() to add a parameter of .distribution_type
  3. Fix #183 - tidy_empirical() is now again plotted by _autoplot functions.
  4. Fix #188 - Add the .num_sims parameter to tidy_empirical()
  5. Fix #196 - Add ci_lo() and ci_hi() to all stats tbl functions.
  6. Fix #201 - Correct attribute of distribution_family_type to discrete for tidy_geometric()

TidyDensity 1.1.0

CRAN release: 2022-05-06

Breaking Changes


New Features

  1. Fix #119 - Add function tidy_four_autoplot() - This will auto plot the density, qq, quantile and probability plots to a single graph.
  2. Fix #125 - Add function util_weibull_param_estimate()
  3. Fix #126 - Add function util_uniform_param_estimate()
  4. Fix #127 - Add function util_cauchy_param_estimate()
  5. Fix #130 - Add function tidy_t() - Also add to plotting functions.
  6. Fix #151 - Add function tidy_mixture_density()
  7. Fix #150 - Add function util_geometric_stats_tbl()
  8. Fix #149 - Add function util_hypergeometric_stats_tbl()
  9. Fix #148 - Add function util_logistic_stats_tbl()
  10. Fix #147 - Add function util_lognormal_stats_tbl()
  11. Fix #146 - Add function util_negative_binomial_stats_tbl()
  12. Fix #145 - Add function util_normal_stats_tbl()
  13. Fix #144 - Add function util_pareto_stats_tbl()
  14. Fix #143 - Add function util_poisson_stats_tbl()
  15. Fix #142 - Add function util_uniform_stats_tbl()
  16. Fix #141 - Add function util_cauchy_stats_tbl()
  17. Fix #140 - Add function util_t_stats_tbl()
  18. Fix #139 - Add function util_f_stats_tbl()
  19. Fix #138 - Add function util_chisquare_stats_tbl()
  20. Fix #137 - Add function util_weibull_stats_tbl()
  21. Fix #136 - Add function util_gamma_stats_tbl()
  22. Fix #135 - Add function util_exponential_stats_tbl()
  23. Fix #134 - Add function util_binomial_stats_tbl()
  24. Fix #133 - Add function util_beta_stats_tbl()

Minor Fixes and Improvements

  1. Fix #110 - Bug fix, correct the p calculation in tidy_poisson() that will now produce the correct probability chart from the auto plot functions.
  2. Fix #112 - Bug fix, correct the p calculation in tidy_hypergeometric() that will no produce the correct probability chart from the auto plot functions.
  3. Fix #115 - Fix spelling in Quantile chart.
  4. Fix #117 - Fix probability plot x axis label.
  5. Fix #118 - Fix fill color on combined auto plot
  6. Fix #122 - The tidy_distribution_summary_tbl() function did not take the output of tidy_multi_single_dist()
  7. Fix #166 - Change in all plotting functions ggplot2::xlim(0, max_dy) to ggplot2::ylim(0, max_dy)
  8. Fix #169 - Fix the computation of the q column
  9. Fix #170 - Fix the graphing of the quantile chart due to #169

TidyDensity 1.0.1

CRAN release: 2022-03-27

Breaking Changes

  1. Fix #91 - Bug fix, change tidy_gamma() parameter of .rate to .scale Fixtidy_autoplot_functions to incorporate this change. Fixutil_gamma_param_estimate()to sayscaleinstead ofrate` in the returned estimated parameters.

New Features


Minor Fixes and Improvements

  1. Fix #90 - Make sure when .geom_smooth is set to TRUE that ggplot2::xlim(0, max_dy) is set.
  2. Fix #100 - tidy_multi_single_dist() failed on distribution with single parameter like tidy_poisson()
  3. Fix #96 - Enhance all tidy_ distribution functions to add an attribute of either discrete or continuous that helps in the autoplot process.
  4. Fix #97 - Enhance tidy_autoplot() to use histogram or lines for density plot depending on if the distribution is discrete or continuous.
  5. Fix #99 - Enhance tidy_multi_dist_autoplot() to use histogram or lines for density plot depending on if the distribution is discrete or continuous.

TidyDensity 1.0.0

CRAN release: 2022-03-08

Breaking Changes


New Features

  1. Fix #27 - Add function tidy_binomial()
  2. Fix #32 - Add function tidy_geometric()
  3. Fix #33 - Add function tidy_negative_binomial()
  4. Fix #34 - Add function tidy_zero_truncated_poisson()
  5. Fix #35 - Add function tidy_zero_truncated_geometric()
  6. Fix #36 - Add function tidy_zero_truncated_binomial()
  7. Fix #37 - Add function tidy_zero_truncated_negative_binomial()
  8. Fix #41 - Add function tidy_pareto1()
  9. Fix #42 - Add function tidy_pareto()
  10. Fix #43 - Add function tidy_inverse_pareto()
  11. Fix #58 - Add function tidy_random_walk()
  12. Fix #60 - Add function tidy_random_walk_autoplot()
  13. Fix #47 - Add function tidy_generalized_pareto()
  14. Fix #44 - Add function tidy_paralogistic()
  15. Fix #38 - Add function tidy_inverse_exponential()
  16. Fix #45 - Add function tidy_inverse_gamma()
  17. Fix #46 - Add function tidy_inverse_weibull()
  18. Fix #48 - Add function tidy_burr()
  19. Fix #49 - Add function tidy_inverse_burr()
  20. Fix #50 - Add function tidy_inverse_normal()
  21. Fix #51 - Add function tidy_generalized_beta()
  22. Fix #26 - Add function tidy_multi_single_dist()
  23. Fix #62 - Add function tidy_multi_dist_autoplot()
  24. Fix #66 - Add function tidy_combine_distributions()
  25. Fix #69 - Add functions tidy_kurtosis_vec(), tidy_skewness_vec(), and tidy_range_statistic()
  26. Fix #75 - Add function util_beta_param_estimate()
  27. Fix #76 - Add function util_binomial_param_estimate()
  28. Fix #77 - Add function util_exponential_param_estimate()
  29. Fix #78 - Add function util_gamma_param_estimate()
  30. Fix #79 - Add function util_geometric_param_estimate()
  31. Fix #80 - Add function util_hypergeometric_param_estimate()
  32. Fix #81 - Add function util_lognormal_param_estimate()
  33. Fix #89 - Add function tidy_scale_zero_one_vec()
  34. Fix #87 - Add function tidy_combined_autoplot()
  35. Fix #82 - Add function util_logistic_param_estimate()
  36. Fix #83 - Add function util_negative_binomial_param_estimate()
  37. Fix #84 - Add function util_normal_param_estimate()
  38. Fix #85 - Add function util_pareto_param_estimate()
  39. Fix #86 - Add function util_poisson_param_estimate()

Fixes and Minor Improvements

  1. Fix #30 - Move crayon, rstudioapi, and cli from Suggests to Imports due to pillar no longer importing.
  2. Fix #52 - Add parameter .geom_rug to tidy_autoplot() function
  3. Fix #54 - Add parameter .geom_point to tidy_autoplot() function
  4. Fix #53 - Add parameter .geom_smooth to tidy_autoplot() function
  5. Fix #55 - Add parameter .geom_jitter to tidy_autoplot() function
  6. Fix #57 - Fix tidy_autoplot() for when the distribution is tidy_empirical() the legend argument would fail.
  7. Fix #56 - Add attributes of .n and .num_sims (1L for now) to tidy_empirical()
  8. Fix #61 - Update _pkgdown.yml file to update site.
  9. Fix #67 - Add param_grid, param_grid_txt, and dist_with_params to the attributes of all tidy_ distribution functions.
  10. Fix #70 - Add ... as a grouping parameter to tidy_distribution_summary_tbl()
  11. Fix #88 - Make the column dist_type a factor for tidy_combine_distributions()

TidyDensity 0.0.1

CRAN release: 2022-01-21

Breaking Changes


New Features

  1. Fix #1 - Add function tidy_normal()
  2. Fix #4 - Add function tidy_gamma()
  3. Fix #5 - Add function tidy_beta()
  4. Fix #6 - Add function tidy_poisson()
  5. Fix #2 - Add function tidy_autoplot()
  6. Fix #11 - Add function tidy_distribution_summary_tbl()
  7. Fix #10 - Add function tidy_empirical()
  8. Fix #13 - Add function tidy_uniform()
  9. Fix #14 - Add function tidy_exponential()
  10. Fix #15 - Add function tidy_logistic()
  11. Fix #16 - Add function tidy_lognormal()
  12. Fix #17 - Add function tidy_weibull()
  13. Fix #18 - Add function tidy_chisquare()
  14. Fix #19 - Add function tidy_cauchy()
  15. Fix #20 - Add function tidy_hypergeometric()
  16. Fix #21 - Add function tidy_f()

Minor Fixes and Improvements



Breaking Changes


New Features

  • Added a file to track changes to the package.

Fixes and Minor Improvements
