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This function will generate n random points from a paralogistic distribution with a user provided, .shape, .rate, .scale and number of random simulations to be produced. The function returns a tibble with the simulation number column the x column which corresponds to the n randomly generated points, the d_, p_ and q_ data points as well.

The data is returned un-grouped.

The columns that are output are:

  • sim_number The current simulation number.

  • x The current value of n for the current simulation.

  • y The randomly generated data point.

  • dx The x value from the stats::density() function.

  • dy The y value from the stats::density() function.

  • p The values from the resulting p_ function of the distribution family.

  • q The values from the resulting q_ function of the distribution family.


  .n = 50,
  .shape = 1,
  .rate = 1,
  .scale = 1/.rate,
  .num_sims = 1,
  .return_tibble = TRUE



The number of randomly generated points you want.


Must be strictly positive.


An alternative way to specify the .scale


Must be strictly positive.


The number of randomly generated simulations you want.


A logical value indicating whether to return the result as a tibble. Default is TRUE.


A tibble of randomly generated data.


This function uses the underlying actuar::rparalogis(), and its underlying p, d, and q functions. For more information please see actuar::rparalogis()


Steven P. Sanderson II, MPH


#> # A tibble: 50 × 7
#>    sim_number     x      y     dx       dy     p      q
#>    <fct>      <int>  <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>
#>  1 1              1  1.25  -2.49  0.000878 0.556  1.25 
#>  2 1              2  1.34  -0.936 0.0615   0.573  1.34 
#>  3 1              3  0.981  0.623 0.247    0.495  0.981
#>  4 1              4  2.70   2.18  0.149    0.730  2.70 
#>  5 1              5  1.04   3.74  0.0599   0.510  1.04 
#>  6 1              6  0.251  5.30  0.0371   0.200  0.251
#>  7 1              7 35.6    6.86  0.0101   0.973 35.6  
#>  8 1              8  0.917  8.41  0.000610 0.478  0.917
#>  9 1              9  0.462  9.97  0.00770  0.316  0.462
#> 10 1             10 17.4   11.5   0.00459  0.946 17.4  
#> # ℹ 40 more rows