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This function generates tidy data from the triangular distribution.


  .n = 50,
  .min = 0,
  .max = 1,
  .mode = 1/2,
  .num_sims = 1,
  .return_tibble = TRUE



The number of x values for each simulation.


The minimum value of the triangular distribution.


The maximum value of the triangular distribution.


The mode (peak) value of the triangular distribution.


The number of simulations to perform.


A logical value indicating whether to return the result as a tibble. Default is TRUE.


A tibble of randomly generated data.


The function takes parameters for the triangular distribution (minimum, maximum, mode), the number of x values (n), the number of simulations (num_sims), and an option to return the result as a tibble (return_tibble). It performs various checks on the input parameters to ensure validity. The result is a data frame or tibble with tidy data for further analysis.


Steven P. Sanderson II, MPH


tidy_triangular(.return_tibble = TRUE)
#> # A tibble: 50 × 7
#>    sim_number     x      y       dx      dy      p      q
#>    <fct>      <int>  <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
#>  1 1              1 0.441  -0.155   0.00198 0.389  0.441 
#>  2 1              2 0.332  -0.129   0.00505 0.221  0.332 
#>  3 1              3 0.753  -0.103   0.0117  0.878  0.753 
#>  4 1              4 0.808  -0.0770  0.0247  0.926  0.808 
#>  5 1              5 0.780  -0.0509  0.0478  0.903  0.780 
#>  6 1              6 0.0936 -0.0249  0.0845  0.0175 0.0936
#>  7 1              7 0.564   0.00118 0.137   0.620  0.564 
#>  8 1              8 0.590   0.0272  0.207   0.664  0.590 
#>  9 1              9 0.679   0.0533  0.292   0.794  0.679 
#> 10 1             10 0.743   0.0793  0.388   0.868  0.743 
#> # ℹ 40 more rows